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基于jQuery UI的颜色选择器ColorPicker使用手册
时间:2022-06-25 17:32:56 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
First, load jQuery (v1.7 or greater), jQuery UI (v1.8 or greater), and the plugin:
The widget requires a jQuery UI theme to be present, as well as its own included base CSS file (evol.colorpicker.css). Here we use the “ui-lightness” theme as an example:
Now, let’s attach it to an existing tag:
This will wrap it into a “holder”
Using the same syntax, the widget can also be instanciated on a
evol.colorpicker is as easily themeable as any jQuery UI widget, using one of the jQuery UI themes or your own custom theme made with Themeroller.
evol.colorpicker provides several options to customize its behaviour:
color (String)
Used to set the color value.
color: "#ffffff"
Defaults to null.
defaultPalette (String)
Used to set the default color palette. Possible values are “theme” or “web”.
defaultPalette: 'web'
Defaults to theme.
displayIndicator (Boolean)
Used to show color value on hover and click inside the palette.
displayIndicator: false
Defaults to true.
hideButton (Boolean)
When binding the colorpicker to a textbox, a colored button will be added to the right of the textbox unless hideButton is set to true. This option doens’t have any effect if the colorpicker is bound to a DIV.
hideButton: true
Defaults to false.
history (Boolean)
Used to track selection history (shared among all instances of the colorpicker). The history keeps the last 28 colors selections.
history: false
Defaults to true.
initialHistory (Array strings)
Used to provide a color selection history. Colors are provided as strings of hexadecimal color values.
initialHistory: ["#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff"]
Defaults to null.
showOn (String)
Have the colorpicker appear automatically when the field receives focus (“focus”), appear only when a button is clicked (“button”), or appear when either event takes place (“both”). This option only takes effect when the color picker is instanciated on a textbox.
showOn: "button"
Defaults to “both”.
strings (String)
Used to translate the widget. It is a coma separated list of all labels used in the UI.
strings: "Couleurs de themes,Couleurs de base,Plus de couleurs,Moins de couleurs,Palette,Historique,Pas encore d'historique."
Defaults to “Theme Colors,Standard Colors,Web Colors,Theme Colors,Back to Palette,History,No history yet.”.
transparentColor (Boolean)
Allow for selection of the “transparent color”. The hexadecimal value for the transparent color is “#0000ffff”.
transparentColor: true
Defaults to false.
Clears the color value (and close the popup palette if opened).
Get the currently selected color value (returned as a string).
Get the currently selected color value (returned as a string).
Get the currently selected color value (returned as a string).
Get or set the currently selected color value (as a string, ie. “#d0d0d0″).
var colorValue = $("#mycolor").colorpicker("val");
$("#mycolor").colorpicker("val", "#d0d0d0");
Show the palette (when using the widget as a popup).
Hide the palette (when using the widget as a popup).
This event is triggered when a color is selected.
$("#mycolor").on("change.color", function(event, color){
$('#title').css('background-color', color);
This event is triggered when the mouse moves over a color box on the palette.
$("#mycolor").on("mouseover.color", function(event, color){
$('#title').css('background-color', color);
Browser Support
evol.colorpicker.js has been tested for the following browsers:
Internet Explorer 7+
Firefox 9+
Chrome 21+
Safari 5+
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