

解决ecshop和jquery冲突 自定义美化商品属性选择

时间:2022-06-25 16:19:34 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网


拷贝一个transport.js  为 transport1.js


隐藏 586行处开始:
 Object.prototype.toJSONString = function () {
 var a = ['{'], // The array holding the text fragments.
 b, // A boolean indicating that a comma is required.
 k, // The current key.
 v; // The current value.
function p(s) {
// p accumulates text fragment pairs in an array. It inserts a comma before all
 // except the first fragment pair.
if (b) {
 a.push(k.toJSONString(), ':', s);
 b = true;
// Iterate through all of the keys in the object, ignoring the proto chain.
for (k in this) {
 if (this.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
 v = this[k];
 switch (typeof v) {
// Values without a JSON representation are ignored.
case 'undefined':
 case 'function':
 case 'unknown':
// Serialize a JavaScript object value. Ignore objects that lack the
 // toJSONString method. Due to a specification error in ECMAScript,
 // typeof null is 'object', so watch out for that case.
case 'object':
 if (this !== window)
 if (v) {
 if (typeof v.toJSONString === 'function') {
 } else {
// Join all of the fragments together and return.
 return a.join('');

修改 common.js getSelectedAttributes方法。(如果需要的话)这里是解决商品商品属性点击的时候切换价格的
 * 获得选定的商品属性
function getSelectedAttributes(formBuy)
 var spec_arr = new Array();
 var j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < formBuy.elements.length; i ++ )
 var prefix = formBuy.elements[i].name.substr(0, 5);
if (prefix == 'spec_' && (
 ((formBuy.elements[i].type == 'hidden' || formBuy.elements[i].type == 'checkbox') && formBuy.elements[i].checked) ||
 formBuy.elements[i].tagName == 'SELECT'))
 spec_arr[j] = formBuy.elements[i].value;
 j++ ;
return spec_arr;

common.js 加入:

function obj2str(o){
 var r = [];
 if(typeof o =="string") return """+o.replace(/(['"\])/g,"\$1").replace(/(n)/g,"\n").replace(/(r)/g,"\r").replace(/(t)/g,"\t")+""";
 if(typeof o =="undefined") return "undefined";
 if(typeof o == "object"){
 if(o===null) return "null";
 else if(!o.sort){
 for(var i in o)
 for(var i =0;i r.push(obj2str(o[i]))
 return r;
 return o.toString();

Ajax.call('flow.php?step=add_to_cart', 'goods=' + obj2str(goods), addToCartResponse, 'POST', 'JSON');


{insert_scripts files='niuzai/jquery-1.8.3.js'}

{insert_scripts files='test.js'}

注:**为大写O-N-S,去掉中间的两个-,被屏蔽了,无语。先声明一下,这不是我自创的,而是看了论坛里的兄弟的相关帖子后,然后我试了没用,因为导入文件顺序的问题,导致不能解决,所以就发了这个帖子,和大家分享分享。test.js为自己用jquery写的一些代码,要放在jquery文件的后面,注意不能和jquery文件一同导入,注意顺序,否则会出错。顺序为:先导入transport.js文件{insert_scripts files='transport.js,utils.js'},然后导入jquery文件 ,{insert_scripts files='niuzai/jquery-1.8.3.js'} 再加上这段代码
最后引入自己用jquery书写的js文件。{insert_scripts files='test.js'}
