


perl6-bench 做 perl6 性能分析对比

时间:2022-06-25 02:51:48 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网

perl6-bench 项目地址见:https://github.com/japhb/perl6-bench。

项目的主程序 bench 本身是用 Perl6 写的。所以运行前,得先安装好 Rakudo Star:

wget http://rakudo.org/downloads/star/rakudo-star-2014.09.tar.gz
tar zxvf rakudo-star-2014.09.tar.gz
cd rakudo-star-2014.09
perl Configure.pl --backend=moar --gen-moar
编译完成后,会在 rakudo-star 目录下创建一个 install 子目录,里面有 bin,lib 等编译完成的文件,把这个 bin 加入到你的 $PATH 里去。

sed -i 's!(PATH=.*)$!1:~/download/rakudo-star-2014.09/install/bin!' ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
项目的测试程序 timeall 是用 Perl5 写的。运行前,也得安装几个 CPAN 模块:

cpanm Capture::Tiny Data::Alias DateTime JSON JSON::XS List::MoreUtils

./bench setup
这个命令会在 components 子目录下逐一 clone 下来各种可以测试的 perl6 实现的源代码 git 库,包括有:

arane   niecza  nqp-jvm   nqp-parrot  perl5    rakudo-jvm   rakudo-parrot
moarvm  nqp-js  nqp-moar  parrot      perlito  rakudo-moar
下面就开始正式测试了。用时同样会比较长,和上面 git clone 一样,都建议放在 screen 里运行。


export CHECKOUTS='perl5/v5.20.1 rakudo-jvm/2014.10 rakudo-moar/2014.10 rakudo-moar/2014.09'
这个写法规范是:git 库名/git tag名


./bench extract $CHECKOUTS
这一步会分别 checkout 具体的 tag 到同级的新目录里,然后开始编译:

./bench build   $CHECKOUTS

./bench time    $CHECKOUTS
一共有 65 个测试,测试项在 microbenchworks.pl 文件的大数组里定义了。 我在测试中发现,第 15/65 测试用例,在 nqp-moar 时会死循环运行,无法正常完成测试,已回报给作者。


./bench compare $CHECKOUTS
结果显示,moar 比 jvm 领先一些,比 perl5 还差着呢:

==> perl6-bench version 997c920 (ignoring startup time and compile time)
--- showing PEAK RATE (/s), TIMES SLOWER THAN FASTEST (x), and SUMMARY SCORES (skipping incomplete data)
                                - Perl 5 -   -------------- Perl 6 --------------
                                 v5.20.1      2014.10      2014.09      2014.10 
                                   perl5       rakudo       rakudo       rakudo 
TEST                               perl5          jvm       moarvm       moarvm 
empty                                --             0/s          4/s          4/s
                                    FAIL         34.0x         1.0x         1.1x
zero                                 --             0/s          4/s          4/s
                                    FAIL         33.3x         1.0x         1.1x
hello                                --             0/s          4/s          4/s
                                    FAIL         33.2x         1.0x         1.1x
while_empty                     26678545/s     223006/s    1730328/s    3403743/s
                                     1.0x       119.6x        15.4x         7.8x
while_empty_native              26800035/s   1291144447/s   27583644/s   168949423/s
                                    48.2x         1.0x        46.8x         7.6x
while_bind                           --        249216/s    1682441/s    3381083/s
                                    FAIL         13.6x         2.0x         1.0x
while_concat                    13404147/s      26589/s     166714/s     206047/s
                                     1.0x       504.1x        80.4x        65.1x
while_concat_native             13400671/s      65891/s    4138382/s    5216637/s
                                     1.0x       203.4x         3.2x         2.6x
while_int2str                    6026835/s      57112/s     364208/s     455797/s
                                     1.0x       105.5x        16.5x        13.2x
while_int2str_native             6283498/s     111754/s     543142/s     671402/s
                                     1.0x        56.2x        11.6x         9.4x
while_int2str_concat             8711901/s       7006/s      89566/s      93480/s
                                     1.0x      1243.5x        97.3x        93.2x
while_int2str_concat_native      8403097/s      13824/s     153347/s     167585/s
                                     1.0x       607.9x        54.8x        50.1x
while_push_join                  3656434/s      15223/s      18917/s     111952/s
                                     1.0x       240.2x       193.3x        32.7x
while_push                       7821809/s      90685/s      21289/s     239678/s
                                     1.0x        86.3x       367.4x        32.6x
while_pushme                    14440088/s    3184098/s    1225845/s    1560029/s
                                     1.0x         4.5x        11.8x         9.3x
while_array_set                  6171761/s     112655/s     276032/s     335751/s
                                     1.0x        54.8x        22.4x        18.4x
while_hash_set                   1525235/s      58647/s     158810/s     171691/s
                                     1.0x        26.0x         9.6x         8.9x
postwhile_nil                   36412794/s     515093/s    2939870/s    4147168/s
                                     1.0x        70.7x        12.4x         8.8x
postwhile_nil_native            36083908/s   1676476937/s   34716639/s   167547820/s
                                    46.5x         1.0x        48.3x        10.0x
loop_empty                      24051967/s     257307/s    1686547/s    3321511/s
                                     1.0x        93.5x        14.3x         7.2x
loop_empty_native               24181034/s   2276716196/s   28050857/s   193967640/s
                                    94.2x         1.0x        81.2x        11.7x
for_empty                       33943008/s     894886/s    2315939/s    2515590/s
                                     1.0x        37.9x        14.7x        13.5x
for_bind                             --       1571035/s    2331450/s    2586230/s
                                    FAIL          1.6x         1.1x         1.0x
for_assign                      17713024/s    1532922/s    2006784/s    2391570/s
                                     1.0x        11.6x         8.8x         7.4x
for_assign_native               17765094/s    1658168/s    1895988/s    2006162/s
                                     1.0x        10.7x         9.4x         8.9x
for_postinc                     16640609/s     386218/s    1398445/s    1802886/s
                                     1.0x        43.1x        11.9x         9.2x
for_postinc_native              16670507/s    1037555/s    1859233/s    1994065/s
                                     1.0x        16.1x         9.0x         8.4x
for_concat                      14998496/s      29144/s     182410/s     205988/s
                                     1.0x       514.6x        82.2x        72.8x
for_concat_native               15053529/s      49506/s    1353377/s    1465293/s
                                     1.0x       304.1x        11.1x        10.3x
for_concat_2                     8646049/s      15854/s     107213/s     117943/s
                                     1.0x       545.4x        80.6x        73.3x
for_concat_2_native              8659225/s      23751/s     791213/s     986208/s
                                     1.0x       364.6x        10.9x         8.8x
for_push                         8496867/s     122034/s      25166/s     333166/s
                                     1.0x        69.6x       337.6x        25.5x
for_array_set                    7810807/s      57463/s     286036/s     388650/s
                                     1.0x       135.9x        27.3x        20.1x
for_hash_set                     1567864/s      32265/s     168643/s     171446/s
                                     1.0x        48.6x         9.3x         9.1x
reduce_range                     4964114/s     181283/s     318258/s     345797/s
                                     1.0x        27.4x        15.6x        14.4x
reduce_int_comb_range             470778/s       1495/s       3355/s       3406/s
                                     1.0x       314.8x       140.3x       138.2x
any_equals                       2646212/s      15684/s      61867/s      81787/s
                                     1.0x       168.7x        42.8x        32.4x
trim_string                     13660958/s   33565139/s    9291330/s   17910365/s
                                     2.5x         1.0x         3.6x         1.9x
split_string_constant            5615519/s     100014/s     133572/s     171231/s
                                     1.0x        56.1x        42.0x        32.8x
split_string_regex               2017912/s       4137/s      12573/s      16553/s
                                     1.0x       487.8x       160.5x       121.9x
charrange                         363103/s       3416/s      19831/s      24667/s
                                     1.0x       106.3x        18.3x        14.7x
charrange_ignorecase              363529/s       3788/s      14433/s      17899/s
                                     1.0x        96.0x        25.2x        20.3x
visit_2d_indices_while           7276084/s     152635/s     746903/s    1484712/s
                                     1.0x        47.7x         9.7x         4.9x
visit_2d_indices_while_native   11180261/s     553619/s    1177498/s    1451682/s
                                     1.0x        20.2x         9.5x         7.7x
visit_2d_indices_loop           10123295/s     177783/s     834515/s    1843586/s
                                     1.0x        56.9x        12.1x         5.5x
visit_2d_indices_loop_native    12457926/s   440172780/s    1227550/s    1431680/s
                                    35.3x         1.0x       358.6x       307.5x
visit_2d_indices_for             8548538/s     255887/s     675743/s     847728/s
                                     1.0x        33.4x        12.7x        10.1x
visit_2d_indices_cross           1367865/s       4685/s      31407/s      40470/s
                                     1.0x       292.0x        43.6x        33.8x
create_and_copy_2d_grid_cross     541914/s       2230/s      11564/s      13778/s
                                     1.0x       243.0x        46.9x        39.3x
create_and_iterate_hash_kv           --          1564/s      12248/s      12651/s
                                    FAIL          8.1x         1.0x         1.0x
rat_mul_div_cancel                  7439/s       4852/s      33910/s      40614/s
                                     5.5x         8.4x         1.2x         1.0x
rat_harmonic                        1080/s       1732/s      11089/s      11678/s
                                    10.8x         6.7x         1.1x         1.0x
rand                            10885068/s     230938/s     183511/s     213786/s
                                     1.0x        47.1x        59.3x        50.9x
array_set_xx                    13585287/s    1533694/s     545243/s     597926/s
                                     1.0x         8.9x        24.9x        22.7x
parse-json                            23/s          1/s          1/s          1/s
                                     1.0x        29.6x        37.0x        22.8x
parse-json-no-obj-creation           --             1/s          1/s          1/s
                                    SKIP          1.4x         1.9x         1.0x
rc-forest-fire                      1374/s          2/s          9/s          9/s
                                     1.0x       588.4x       155.8x       146.7x
rc-man-or-boy-test                187464/s        --         41252/s      39966/s
                                     1.0x        FAIL          4.5x         4.7x
rc-self-describing-numbers        219156/s        571/s        775/s        782/s
                                     1.0x       383.9x       282.9x       280.1x
rc-dragon-curve                   149131/s       1704/s       5937/s       6260/s
                                     1.0x        87.5x        25.1x        23.8x
rc-9-billion-names                  1821/s         93/s        216/s        500/s
                                     1.0x        19.7x         8.4x         3.6x
rc-mandelbrot                       1168/s        702/s       1440/s       1519/s
                                     1.3x         2.2x         1.1x         1.0x
spinner                              971/s          4/s          5/s          5/s
                                     1.0x       228.7x       193.1x       182.9x
rc-forest-fire-stringify           11162/s         25/s         35/s         41/s
                                     1.0x       438.8x       314.7x       275.2x
string-escape                    1448636/s        --           --           --  
                                     1.0x        FAIL         FAIL         FAIL 
SUMMARY SCORE                     2253.9         40.5        100.0        139.6 
