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时间:2022-07-02 10:13:57 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
* Topic: Create and parse XML files using PHP DOM-XML
* Source: http://www.php.net/domxml
* Reference: http://www.zugeschaut-und-mitgebaut.de/php/extension.domxml.html
* Author: [email protected], 16-1-2001
// 使用PHP DOM-XML创建和解析XML文件
$doc = new_xmldoc("1.0" );
$root = $doc->add_root("faq" );
$root->setattr("page", "32" );
$one = $root->new_child("question", "");
$one->setattr("number", "1");
$one->new_child("text", "1. Where to get libxml-2.0.0?");
$one->new_child("answer", "You can download the latest
release of libxml either as a source archive or
RPM package from http://www.xmlsoft.org.
The current version is libxml2-2.2.1." );
$two = $root->new_child("question", "" );
$two->setattr("number", "2");
$two->new_child("text", "2. How to configure PHP4?" );
// 创建一个不直接赋值的节点
$twoone = $two->new_child("answer", "");
// 然后给它单独赋值
$twoone->set_content("DIR is the libxml install directory
(if you just use --with-dom it defaults
to /usr), I needed to use --with-dom=/usr/local" );
$three = $root->new_child("question", "" );
$three->setattr("number", "7" );
$three->new_child("text", "7. How to use DOM XML function ?" );
$three->new_child("answer", "Read this document source for
a simple example." );
// write to file
$fp = fopen("test_dom.xml", "w+" );
fwrite($fp, $doc->dumpmem(), strlen($doc->dumpmem() ));
// ------------------------------------------------------
* Topic: Create and parse XML files using PHP DOM-XML
* Source: http://www.php.net/domxml
* Reference: http://www.zugeschaut-und-mitgebaut.de/php/extension.domxml.html
* Author: [email protected], 16-1-2001
// 使用PHP DOM-XML创建和解析XML文件
$doc = new_xmldoc("1.0" );
$root = $doc->add_root("faq" );
$root->setattr("page", "32" );
$one = $root->new_child("question", "");
$one->setattr("number", "1");
$one->new_child("text", "1. Where to get libxml-2.0.0?");
$one->new_child("answer", "You can download the latest
release of libxml either as a source archive or
RPM package from http://www.xmlsoft.org.
The current version is libxml2-2.2.1." );
$two = $root->new_child("question", "" );
$two->setattr("number", "2");
$two->new_child("text", "2. How to configure PHP4?" );
// 创建一个不直接赋值的节点
$twoone = $two->new_child("answer", "");
// 然后给它单独赋值
$twoone->set_content("DIR is the libxml install directory
(if you just use --with-dom it defaults
to /usr), I needed to use --with-dom=/usr/local" );
$three = $root->new_child("question", "" );
$three->setattr("number", "7" );
$three->new_child("text", "7. How to use DOM XML function ?" );
$three->new_child("answer", "Read this document source for
a simple example." );
".htmlspecialchars($doc->dumpmem() )."" );
// write to file
$fp = fopen("test_dom.xml", "w+" );
fwrite($fp, $doc->dumpmem(), strlen($doc->dumpmem() ));
// ------------------------------------------------------
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