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php rss分析类程序
时间:2022-07-02 10:10:45 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
class rss74 {
// RSS feed title:
var $title = "Untitled";
// RSS description:
var $desc = "";
// RSS base url
// -> Example: http://www.jonasjohn.de/
var $base_url = "";
// XSL file for the resulting RSS feed:
var $xsl_file = 'rss.xsl';
// RSS 2.0 Specification (URL):
var $doc_url = 'http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss';
// Copyright text:
// -> Example: Copyright 2006, Jonas John
var $copyright = '';
// RSS language setting:
// Example: en-us, de-de, fr-fr
var $language = 'en-us';
// Managing editor and webmaster:
// (should contain a E-Mail adress)
var $managing_editor = '';
var $webmaster = '';
// Feedburner URL
// Example: http://feeds.feedburner.com/codedump-rss
// (If a FB URL is set, all requests except the Feedburner and Google
// requests will be redricted to the feedburner URL)
var $feedburner_url = '';
// RSS generator:
var $generator = 'rss74/v0.3';
// Limit RSS entries to:
// (Example: 20, 30, 40, 50, etc.)
var $limit_entries = 20;
// RSS items:
var $items = array();
// constructor:
function rss74(){
function add_entry($entry){
// create date key:
$date = isset($entry['date']) ? $entry['date'] : time();
// add unique string:
$date .= '_' . md5($entry['title']);
$this->items[$date] = $entry;
function _get_val(&$array, $key){
return isset($array[$key]) ? $array[$key] : '';
function _exists_val(&$array, $key){
return isset($array[$key]);
function get_rss_headers($rss_webpath){
return '';
function print_rss(){
global $_SERVER;
$this->items = array_slice($this->items, 0, $this->limit_entries);
$first_item = array_keys($this->items);
$first_item = $first_item[0];
$last_change = $this->items[$first_item]['date'];
header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $last_change).' GMT');
header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
if (!empty($this->feedburner_url)){
if (!preg_match("/feedburner/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) and !preg_match("/google/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
header('Location: ' . $this->feedburner_url);
print 'Redirecting...';
return true;
print '' . " ";
if ($this->xsl_file != '')
print '' . " ";
print ']>' . " ";
print "";
print '
print '
print " ".'
if (!empty($this->desc))
print " ".'
if (!empty($this->base_url))
print " ".''.htmlentities($this->base_url).'' . " ";
print " ".'
print " ".'
if (!empty($this->generator))
print " ".'
if (!empty($this->copyright))
print " ".'
if (!empty($this->doc_url))
print " ".'
if (!empty($this->language))
print "
if (!empty($this->managing_editor))
print "
if (!empty($this->webmaster))
print "
while(list($num, $item) = each($this->items)){
print "
print "
if ($this->_exists_val($item, 'url')){
print " ".$this->_get_val($item, 'url')." ";
print "
if ($this->_exists_val($item, 'desc'))
print "
if ($this->_exists_val($item, 'date')){
print "
$cats = array();
while(list($cn, $citem) = each($cats)){
print "
print "
print " ";
print "";
return true;
// RSS items list:
$example_list = array();
** Create some test entries:
$m = rand(8, 30);
for ($x = 0; $x < $m; $x++){
// create a random UNIX-Timestamp:
$date = rand(1166000000, 1166400000);
$example_list[] = array(
'title' => 'Example RSS message #' . $x,
'url' => 'http://www.jonasjohn.de/#' . $x,
'desc' => 'This is a example message from RSS74!',
'date' => $date
// create new RSS object:
$rss = new rss74();
** Set RSS informations:
// RSS title:
$rss->title = 'RSS example 2';
// RSS description:
$rss->desc = 'This feed shows some random entries.';
// base URL of your homepage:
$rss->base_url = 'http://www.example.org/';
// limit entry count to 20
$rss->limit_entries = 20;
// RSS Editor
$rss->managing_editor = 'Yourname
// Webmaster name
$rss->webmaster = 'Yourname
// language:
$rss->language = 'en-us';
// Copyright message:
$rss->copyright = 'Copyright 2006, Yourname';
// Set Feedburner adress:
//$rss->feedburner_url = 'http://feeds.feedburner.com/codedump-rss';
// (empty) = No redirection
// Set "xsl_file" to empty to disable the XSL file:
$rss->xsl_file = '';
// Add entries to the RSS object:
while (list($date, $entry) = each($example_list)){
'title' => $entry['title'],
'url' => $entry['url'],
'desc' => $entry['desc'],
'date' => $entry['date']
// let rss74 do the rest:
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