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时间:2022-06-25 01:23:18 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
# 对list进行for循环本质上是调用了list的迭代器 list = [1,2,3,4] # for 循环调用 for elem in list: print(elem) # 迭代器调用 list_iter = list.__iter__() while True: try: print(next(list_iter)) except StopIteration: break
# 可迭代对象类 class CountDown(object): def __init__(self,num): self.num = num def __iter__(self): return MyIterator(self.num) # 迭代类 class MyIterator(object): def __init__(self,num): self.NUM= num self.FINAL = 0 self.now = num def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): step = 1 if self.NUM生成器
from collections import Iterable def f(): pass # 含有yield指令的函数可以称为生成器 def g(): yield() print(type(f()),isinstance(f(),Iterable)) print(type(g()),isinstance(g(),Iterable))使用生成器可以降低系统的耦合性
import os # 生成器是迭代器的一种,让函数对象内部进行迭代 # 可以实现让函数内部暂停,实现了程序的异步功能,同时也实现了解耦。 def my_input(): global str str = input('input a line') pass def my_write(): with open('workfile.txt','w') as f: while(str): f.write(str+'n') yield() return mw = my_write() while(True): my_input() try: next(mw) except StopIteration: pass if not str: break装饰器
# 不带参数的装饰器 from functools import wraps # 装饰器封装一个函数,并且用这样或者那样的方式来修改它的行为。 def mydecorator(a_func): @wraps(a_func) #声明这个注解就可以不重写传入的函数,只是调用的时候wrap一下。不加的话,a_func函数可以看作被重写为wrapTheFunction. def wrapTheFunction(): print(f"function in {id(a_func)} starts...") a_func() print(f"function in {id(a_func)} ends...") return wrapTheFunction # 在函数定义前加入此注解就可以将函数传入装饰器并包装 @mydecorator def f(): print('hi') pass f() print(f.__name__)带参数的装饰器(实现输出到自定义的日志文件)
# 带参数的装饰器(实现输出到自定义的日志文件) from functools import wraps def logit(logfile='out.log'): def mydecorator2(a_func): @wraps(a_func) def wrapTheFunction(*args, **kwargs): # 这个保证了函数可以含有任意形参 log_string = a_func.__name__ + " was called" print(log_string) # 打开logfile,并写入内容 with open(logfile, 'a') as opened_file: # 现在将日志打到指定的logfile opened_file.write(log_string + 'n') return a_func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapTheFunction return mydecorator2 # func group1 @ logit('out1.log') def func1(str): print(str) pass @ logit('out2.log') def func2(): pass func1('I have a foul smell') func2()实现一个装饰器类(这样写可以简化装饰器函数,并且提高封装性)
# 带参数的装饰器(实现输出到自定义的日志文件) from functools import wraps def logit(logfile='out.log'): def mydecorator2(a_func): @wraps(a_func) def wrapTheFunction(*args, **kwargs): # 这个保证了函数可以含有任意形参 log_string = a_func.__name__ + " was called" print(log_string) # 打开logfile,并写入内容 with open(logfile, 'a') as opened_file: # 现在将日志打到指定的logfile opened_file.write(log_string + 'n') return a_func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapTheFunction return mydecorator2 # func group1 @ logit('out1.log') def func1(str): print(str) pass @ logit('out2.log') def func2(): pass func1('I have a foul smell') func2()相关文章
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