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时间:2022-07-02 12:01:14 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
作者:Jamie Cool
Microsoft Corporation
译者小记:智能升级、自动更新,这是我们以前开发Windows应用程序时经常碰到而且必须注意的问题。在.NET应用程序更新组件没有出现之前这个问题曾经令人非常头疼(除非你就不打算进行升级:))。谁又不希望自己开发的应用程序象Windows XP自身或Microsoft Money那样具备自动更新的功能呢?使用.NET应用程序更新组件将会使这一切变得非常简单。在微软的DevDay2004上曹老师曾演示过的智能客户端IssueVision的一个非常重要的亮点就是智能升级,自动更新。其中就采用的是.NET应用程序更新组件。本组文章将通过实例来讨论一种生成可自动更新自身的.NET客户端应用程序的方法。
I recently received a mail from the Microsoft IT team notifying me that they had detected several applications on my desktop computer that did not have the latest patches installed and instructed me to install the latest updates. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t update the applications I run as much as I should; either on my home machine or on my work machines. It usually takes a problem like a broken feature in an application or an email (or sometimes several) from the IT department, to get me to install updates. Unfortunately I’m more of the rule than the exception when it comes to users updating their applications.
Microsoft Corporation
译者小记:智能升级、自动更新,这是我们以前开发Windows应用程序时经常碰到而且必须注意的问题。在.NET应用程序更新组件没有出现之前这个问题曾经令人非常头疼(除非你就不打算进行升级:))。谁又不希望自己开发的应用程序象Windows XP自身或Microsoft Money那样具备自动更新的功能呢?使用.NET应用程序更新组件将会使这一切变得非常简单。在微软的DevDay2004上曹老师曾演示过的智能客户端IssueVision的一个非常重要的亮点就是智能升级,自动更新。其中就采用的是.NET应用程序更新组件。本组文章将通过实例来讨论一种生成可自动更新自身的.NET客户端应用程序的方法。
I recently received a mail from the Microsoft IT team notifying me that they had detected several applications on my desktop computer that did not have the latest patches installed and instructed me to install the latest updates. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t update the applications I run as much as I should; either on my home machine or on my work machines. It usually takes a problem like a broken feature in an application or an email (or sometimes several) from the IT department, to get me to install updates. Unfortunately I’m more of the rule than the exception when it comes to users updating their applications.
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