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Winpcap的Kernel Buffer和其他的Buffer设置
时间:2022-07-02 10:58:58 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
在pcap中都存在Kernel Buffer和User Buffer的概念,Kernel Buffer提供给驱动层来缓存网卡上抓的包,而用户Buffer是用来和用户应用程序进行交互,将数据通过UserBuffer提供给用户。
int pcap_setbuff(pcap_t* p,int dim);
Set the size of the kernel buffer associated with an adapter. dim specifies the size of the buffer in bytes. The return value is 0 when the call succeeds, -1 otherwise. If an old buffer was already created with a previous call to pcap_setbuff(), it is deleted and its content is discarded. pcap_open_live() creates a 1 MByte buffer by default.
这个接口是Winpcap的扩展,用来设置Windows Kernel buffer的大小,但Linux系统下,并不可用。
Snaplen是pcap_open_live的一个参数,用来定义抓包Buffer的大小,一般设置成65535。 &nbs
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