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国外免费php空间/ 250M可绑米免费PHP网站空间
时间:2022-07-02 22:14:16 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
I have been meaning to write an article about FreeHostia’s web hosting control panel for quite some time, but it just seemed that there is too much to say about it and it would be an annoyingly long article. So I have avoided this topic up until now. Finally I have decided to write this article, but instead of explaining the interface in details, I will present to you only the key features of the control panel and leave the rest for you to discover.
If you have had previous experience with web hosting, you have probably used a web hosting control panel where the billing and the domain management are separated from the actual website management. Most web hosting companies use such control panels, one of the most popular web hosting control panels is cPanel. In many ways it is similar to ours, but it doesn’t have the billing and domain management integrated within it and also lacks several other key features.
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