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flash 双向链表(AS3)
时间:2022-07-02 17:10:02 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
数据结构中的双向链表,用AS3写成了类,很有用的东西,可能有些非程序出身的flasher 并不了解的数据结构。如果把数组理解为把数据排成队,那么链表就是手拉手的排队,不过每个人只知道自己,还有自己的前面与后面,如果用类的思想来理解就是:有三个数据属性的对象:1、自己 2、自己后面的人 3、自己前面的人 和对这些属性进行操作的方法。希望对大家有用 这样的结构在频繁 删除和插入数据时效率会比数组高很多。
package { public class DoubleNode {
//双向链表, double list node
private var _data:*;
private var _prev:DoubleNode;
private var _next:DoubleNode;
private var _hasIN:Boolean=false;
//@initData:结点初始值, the node’ data;
public function DoubleNode(initData:*) {
_data = initData;
_prev = _next = null;
//this node has in link
public function get hasIN():Boolean {
return _hasIN;
public function set hasIN(boolean:Boolean):void {
public function get next():DoubleNode {
return _next;
public function get prev():DoubleNode {
return _prev;
public function set next(newNode:DoubleNode):void {
_next = newNode;
public function set prev(newNode:DoubleNode):void {
_prev = newNode;
//取得当前结点数据, return the node’s data
public function get nodeData():* {
return _data;
//设置当前结点数据, set the node‘s data
public function set nodeData(newData:*):void {
_data = newData;
//在当前节点后插入结点, append a new node after current node
public function addAfter(newNode:DoubleNode):void {
newNode.next = _next;
newNode.prev = this;
if (_next!=null) {
_next.prev = newNode;
_next = newNode;
//在当前节点前插入结点, append a new node before current node
public function addBefore(newNode:DoubleNode):void {
newNode.next = this;
newNode.prev = _prev;
if (_prev!=null) {
_prev.next = newNode;
_prev = newNode;
//返回当前数组长度, get the length of the node
public function get nodeLength():uint {
var cursor:DoubleNode;
var length:uint = 1;
for (cursor = _prev; cursor != null; cursor = cursor.prev) {
return length;
//从双向链表中脱离。 get out of link to the double-node
public function unlink():void {
if (_prev!=null) {
_prev.next = _next;
if (_next!=null) {
_next.prev = _prev;
_next = _prev = null;
//描述当前double-node, rerurn a string represent the double-node
public function toString():String {
return "[DoubleNode, data=" + _data + "]";
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