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时间:2022-06-29 09:32:26 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
Base tables:
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AL contains archived logs. archived logs are uniquely identified by dbinc_key, recid and stamp.
BCB contains corrupt block ranges in datafile backups.
BCF contains control file backups (in backup sets).
BDF contains all datafile backups (in backup sets).
BP contains all backup pieces of backup sets.
BRL contains backup redo logs (in backup sets).
BS contains all backup sets for all database incarnations.
CCB contains corrupt block ranges in datafile copies.
CCF contains control file copies.
CDF contains all datafile copies.
CKP records all recovery catalog checkpoints.
DB contains all target databases that have been registered in this recovery catalog.
DBINC contains all incarnations of the target databases registered in this recovery catalog.
DF contains all datafiles of all database incarnations.
DFATT datafile attributes that change over time.
OFFR stores datafile offline ranges.
ORL contains all redo logfiles for all database incarnations.
RCVER recovery catalog version.
RLH records all redo log history for all threads.
RR contains redo ranges for all database incarnations.
RT redo threads for all database incarnations.
SCR contains 1 row for each stored script.
SCRL contains 1 row for each line of each stored script.
TS contains all tablespaces of all database incarnations.
TSATT tablespace attributes that change over time.
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RC_ARCHIVED_LOG information about all archivelogs.
RC_BACKUP_CONTROLFILE backup control files in backup sets.
RC_BACKUP_CORRUPTION corrupt blocks in datafile backups and copies.
RC_BACKUP_DATAFILE datafile backups (in backup sets).
RC_BACKUP_PIECE backup pieces.
RC_BACKUP_REDOLOG redo log backups (in backup sets).
RC_BACKUP_SET backup sets.
RC_CHECKPOINT rc_checkpoint is replaced by rc_resync, but is still used by some tests.
RC_CONTROLFILE_COPY controlfile copies.
RC_COPY_CORRUPTION corrupt block ranges in datafile copies for all database incarnations.
RC_DATABASE information about databases and their current incarnations.
RC_DATABASE_INCARNATION information about all incarnations registered in recovery catalog.
RC_DATAFILE information about all datafiles registered in recovery catalog.
RC_DATAFILE_COPY datafile copies (on disk).
RC_LOG_HISTORY information about redo log history.
RC_OFFLINE_RANGE offline ranges for datafiles.
RC_REDO_LOG information about online redo logs.
RC_REDO_THREAD information about redo threads.
RC_RESYNC information about recovery catalog resyncs (checkpoints).
RC_STORED_SCRIPT stored scripts.
RC_STORED_SCRIPT_LINE each line of each stored script.
RC_TABLESPACE information about all tablespaces registered in recovery catalog.
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