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oracle中asm alertlog大量报错Voting file relocation is required in diskgroup
时间:2022-06-29 09:38:44 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
NOTE: Attempting voting file refresh on diskgroup GRID
NOTE: Voting file relocation is required in diskgroup GRID
NOTE: Attempting voting file relocation on diskgroup GRID
NOTE: Attempting voting file refresh on diskgroup GRID
NOTE: Voting file relocation is required in diskgroup GRID
NOTE: Attempting voting file relocation on diskgroup GRID
NOTE: Attempting voting file refresh on diskgroup GRID
Because of bug 13609187, voting file was not getting relocated and fill up the ASM alertlog with the above messages (and of course the
FS space)
@The issue was identified as PST copies.
@The issue was identified similar to the following bug. Bug 13448206: TOO MANY OCCURRENCES OF NOTE: ATTEMPTING VOTING FILE @REFRESH ON DISKGROUP
@But this patch did not help in this case. The solution is described below.
The below operation forced the PST to move to all the disks (OCR/Vote DG) and the voting file relocation operation to complet:
alter diskgroup GRID drop disk
alter diskgroup GRID undrop disks;
@Also in Bug : 13906539, the workaround was to create other ASM DG and relocate temporary OCR/Vote and move back to initially ASM
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