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时间:2022-07-02 13:09:35 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
/* mozilla.org Base Styles
* maintained by fantasai
* (classes defined in the Markup Guide - http://mozilla.org/contribute/writing/markup)
/* Suggested order:
* display
* list-style
* position
* float
* clear
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* height
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* border
* background
* color
* font
* text-decoration
* text-align
* vertical-align
* white-space
* other text
* content
* maintained by fantasai
* (classes defined in the Markup Guide - http://mozilla.org/contribute/writing/markup)
/* Suggested order:
* display
* list-style
* position
* float
* clear
* width
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* margin
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* border
* background
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* font
* text-decoration
* text-align
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* white-space
* other text
* content
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