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时间:2022-06-30 10:40:56 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
后续工序今日正品数 + 后续工序今日废品数 = 本工序今日正品数 + 本工序今日留存数 - 本工序昨日留存数
select distinct LEFT(productid, 4) + '00' as productid into #productid from yuancaiFlow_view
where productiondate = '2004-3-1'
and productid like '01____'
select a.productid,
isnull(hj.GoodQty, 0) as hj_good,
isnull(hjtoday.qty, 0) as hj_today,
isnull(hjyesterday.qty, 0) hj_yesterday,
isnull(hj.GoodQty, 0) - isnull(hjtoday.qty, 0) + isnull(hjyesterday.qty, 0) - isnull(sx.GoodQty, 0) - isnull(sx.BadQty, 0) as hj_difference,
isnull(sx.GoodQty, 0) as sx_good,
isnull(sx.BadQty, 0) as sx_bad,
isnull(sxtoday.qty, 0) as sx_today,
isnull(sxyesterday.qty, 0) sx_yesterday,
isnull(sx.GoodQty, 0) - isnull(sxtoday.qty, 0) + isnull(sxyesterday.qty, 0) - isnull(jt.GoodQty, 0) - isnull(jt.BadQty, 0) as sx_difference,
isnull(jt.GoodQty, 0) as jt_good,
isnull(jt.BadQty, 0) as jt_bad,
isnull(jttoday.qty, 0) as jt_today,
isnull(jtyesterday.qty, 0) jt_yesterday,
isnull(jt.GoodQty, 0) - isnull(jttoday.qty, 0) + isnull(jtyesterday.qty, 0) - isnull(ph.GoodQty, 0) - isnull(ph.BadQty, 0) as jt_difference,
后续工序今日正品数 + 后续工序今日废品数 = 本工序今日正品数 + 本工序今日留存数 - 本工序昨日留存数
select distinct LEFT(productid, 4) + '00' as productid into #productid from yuancaiFlow_view
where productiondate = '2004-3-1'
and productid like '01____'
select a.productid,
isnull(hj.GoodQty, 0) as hj_good,
isnull(hjtoday.qty, 0) as hj_today,
isnull(hjyesterday.qty, 0) hj_yesterday,
isnull(hj.GoodQty, 0) - isnull(hjtoday.qty, 0) + isnull(hjyesterday.qty, 0) - isnull(sx.GoodQty, 0) - isnull(sx.BadQty, 0) as hj_difference,
isnull(sx.GoodQty, 0) as sx_good,
isnull(sx.BadQty, 0) as sx_bad,
isnull(sxtoday.qty, 0) as sx_today,
isnull(sxyesterday.qty, 0) sx_yesterday,
isnull(sx.GoodQty, 0) - isnull(sxtoday.qty, 0) + isnull(sxyesterday.qty, 0) - isnull(jt.GoodQty, 0) - isnull(jt.BadQty, 0) as sx_difference,
isnull(jt.GoodQty, 0) as jt_good,
isnull(jt.BadQty, 0) as jt_bad,
isnull(jttoday.qty, 0) as jt_today,
isnull(jtyesterday.qty, 0) jt_yesterday,
isnull(jt.GoodQty, 0) - isnull(jttoday.qty, 0) + isnull(jtyesterday.qty, 0) - isnull(ph.GoodQty, 0) - isnull(ph.BadQty, 0) as jt_difference,
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