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ADO enumeration constants
时间:2022-06-30 10:28:45 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
ADO enumeration constants
Each of this enum constants are defined in ADO.
Click each enum below to show its constants, values and description.
Connection object
Constant Value Description
adAsyncConnect 16 Opens the connection asynchronously. The ConnectComplete event may be used to determine when the connection is available.
adConnectUnspecified -1 Default. Opens the connection synchronously.
Specifies whether the Open method of a Connection object should return after (synchronously) or before (asynchronously) the connection is established.
connection.Open ConnectionString, UserID, Password, Options
Constant Value Description
adPromptAlways 1 Prompts always.
adPromptComplete 2 Prompts if more information is required.
adPromptCompleteRequired 3 Prompts if more information is required but optional parameters are not allowed.
adPromptNever 4 Never prompts.
Specifies whether a dialog box should be displayed to prompt for missing parameters when opening a connection to a data source.
connection.Properties("Prompt") = adPromptNever
Recordset object
Constant Value Description
adUseClient 3 Uses client-side cursors supplied by a local cursor library. Local cursor services often will allow many features that driver-supplied cursors may not, so using this setting may provide an advantage with respect to features that will be enabled. For backward compatibility, the synonym adUseClientBatch is also supported.
adUseNone 1 Does not use cursor services. (This constant is obsolete and appears solely for the sake of backward compatibility.)
adUseServer 2 Default. Uses data-provider or driver-supplied cursors. These cursors are sometimes very flexible and allow for additional sensitivity to changes others make to the data source. However, some features of the Microsoft Cursor Service for OLE DB (such as disassociated Recordset objects) cannot be simulated with server-side cursors and these features will be unavailable with this setting.
Each of this enum constants are defined in ADO.
Click each enum below to show its constants, values and description.
Connection object
Constant Value Description
adAsyncConnect 16 Opens the connection asynchronously. The ConnectComplete event may be used to determine when the connection is available.
adConnectUnspecified -1 Default. Opens the connection synchronously.
Specifies whether the Open method of a Connection object should return after (synchronously) or before (asynchronously) the connection is established.
connection.Open ConnectionString, UserID, Password, Options
Constant Value Description
adPromptAlways 1 Prompts always.
adPromptComplete 2 Prompts if more information is required.
adPromptCompleteRequired 3 Prompts if more information is required but optional parameters are not allowed.
adPromptNever 4 Never prompts.
Specifies whether a dialog box should be displayed to prompt for missing parameters when opening a connection to a data source.
connection.Properties("Prompt") = adPromptNever
Recordset object
Constant Value Description
adUseClient 3 Uses client-side cursors supplied by a local cursor library. Local cursor services often will allow many features that driver-supplied cursors may not, so using this setting may provide an advantage with respect to features that will be enabled. For backward compatibility, the synonym adUseClientBatch is also supported.
adUseNone 1 Does not use cursor services. (This constant is obsolete and appears solely for the sake of backward compatibility.)
adUseServer 2 Default. Uses data-provider or driver-supplied cursors. These cursors are sometimes very flexible and allow for additional sensitivity to changes others make to the data source. However, some features of the Microsoft Cursor Service for OLE DB (such as disassociated Recordset objects) cannot be simulated with server-side cursors and these features will be unavailable with this setting.
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