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VBSctipt 5.0中的新特性
时间:2022-06-30 09:41:17 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
VBSctipt 5.0中的新特性
1、 在脚本中使用类
Class MyClass
Private m_HalfValue 'Local variable to hold value of HalfValue
Public Property Let HalfValue(vData) 'executed to set the HalfValue property
If vData > 0 Then m_HalfValue = vData
End Property
Public Property Get HalfValue() 'executed to return the HalfValue property
HalfValue = m_HalfValue
End Property
Public Function GetResult() 'implements the GetResult method
GetResult = m_HalfVaue * 2
End Function
End Class
Set ObjThis = New MyClass
ObjThis.HalfValue = 21
Response.Write “Value of HalfValue property is “ & objThis.HalfValue & “
Response.Write “Result of GetResult method is “ & objThis.GetResult & “
Value of HalfValue property is 21
Result of GetResult method is 42
2、 With结构
VBScript 5.0支持With结构,使访问一个对象的几个属性或方法的代码更加紧凑:
Set objThis = Server.CreateObject(“This.object”)
With objThis
.Property1 = “This value”
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