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VBScript-to-JavaScript Functions (转)
时间:2022-06-30 09:52:42 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
FormatNumber(Expression, NumDigitsAfterDecimal, IncludeLeadingDigit,
UseParensForNegativeNumbers, GroupDigits)
function FormatNumber(num,decimalNum,bolLeadingZero,bolParens,bolCommas)
NUM - the number to format
decimalNum - the number of decimal places to format the number to
bolLeadingZero - true / false - display a leading zero for
numbers between -1 and 1
bolParens - true / false - use parenthesis around negative numbers
bolCommas - put commas as number separators.
The formatted number!
if (isNaN(parseInt(num))) return "NaN";
var tmpNum = num;
var iSign = num < 0 ? -1 : 1; // Get sign of number
// Adjust number so only the specified number of numbers after
// the decimal point are shown.
tmpNum *= Math.pow(10,decimalNum);
tmpNum = Math.round(Math.abs(tmpNum))
tmpNum /= Math.pow(10,decimalNum);
tmpNum *= iSign; // Readjust for sign
UseParensForNegativeNumbers, GroupDigits)
function FormatNumber(num,decimalNum,bolLeadingZero,bolParens,bolCommas)
NUM - the number to format
decimalNum - the number of decimal places to format the number to
bolLeadingZero - true / false - display a leading zero for
numbers between -1 and 1
bolParens - true / false - use parenthesis around negative numbers
bolCommas - put commas as number separators.
The formatted number!
if (isNaN(parseInt(num))) return "NaN";
var tmpNum = num;
var iSign = num < 0 ? -1 : 1; // Get sign of number
// Adjust number so only the specified number of numbers after
// the decimal point are shown.
tmpNum *= Math.pow(10,decimalNum);
tmpNum = Math.round(Math.abs(tmpNum))
tmpNum /= Math.pow(10,decimalNum);
tmpNum *= iSign; // Readjust for sign
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