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时间:2022-06-30 09:40:06 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
参考:演员发表于 10/23/2001 8:58:16 AM 的文章 “罗亭的可输入下拉框的解密简化版.”,在此特别感谢相关人等。
function getLeftPostion( theObj )
var pos = 0;
while ( theObj != null )
pos += theObj.offsetLeft;
//get the Object which contain theObj.
theObj = theObj.offsetParent;
return pos;
function getTopPostion( theObj )
var pos = 0;
while ( theObj != null )
pos += theObj.offsetTop;
//get the Object which contain theObj.
theObj = theObj.offsetParent;
return pos;
function checkVersion()
var isBadVersion=true;
var curVer=navigator.appVersion;
var pos=parseInt(curVer.indexOf("MSIE"));
if (pos>=1)
var intVer=parseInt(curVer.charAt(pos+5));
if (intVer>=5)
{ isBadVersion=false;}
if (isBadVersion)
var msg="This page may not be displayed properly: "+
" This product requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later browser only.";
参考:演员发表于 10/23/2001 8:58:16 AM 的文章 “罗亭的可输入下拉框的解密简化版.”,在此特别感谢相关人等。
function getLeftPostion( theObj )
var pos = 0;
while ( theObj != null )
pos += theObj.offsetLeft;
//get the Object which contain theObj.
theObj = theObj.offsetParent;
return pos;
function getTopPostion( theObj )
var pos = 0;
while ( theObj != null )
pos += theObj.offsetTop;
//get the Object which contain theObj.
theObj = theObj.offsetParent;
return pos;
function checkVersion()
var isBadVersion=true;
var curVer=navigator.appVersion;
var pos=parseInt(curVer.indexOf("MSIE"));
if (pos>=1)
var intVer=parseInt(curVer.charAt(pos+5));
if (intVer>=5)
{ isBadVersion=false;}
if (isBadVersion)
var msg="This page may not be displayed properly: "+
" This product requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later browser only.";
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