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ASP Call Crystal Report with Store Procedure(3)
时间:2022-07-02 23:31:36 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
' 05/02/98
' Added the following features:
' Page Expiry Time
' - The page will expire when downloaded by browser so that user is insured that all data
' will be current.
Response.Expires = 0
qs = request.querystring
if qs <> "" then
qs = "&" & qs
end if
' 05/02/98
' Added the following features:
' Tab Query String Parameter
' - This is the selected tab's tabArray index value.
' Page Expiry Time
' - The page will expire when downloaded by browser so that user is insured that all data
' will be current.
Response.Expires = 0
On Error Resume Next
qs = request.querystring
if qs <> "" then
qs = "&" & qs
' Need to make this call for backward compatibility. Users may be referencing htmstart.asp in their web pages.
Call InitializeFrameArray
end if
dim tmpArray
dim index
dim brch
dim val
if request.querystring("TAB") <> "" then
tmpArray = session("tabArray")
index = Cint(request.querystring("TAB"))
if tmpArray(index + 1) <> "" then
brch = tmpArray(index + 1)
qs = "&" & "BRCH=" & brch
' 05/02/98
' Added the following features:
' Page Expiry Time
' - The page will expire when downloaded by browser so that user is insured that all data
' will be current.
Response.Expires = 0
qs = request.querystring
if qs <> "" then
qs = "&" & qs
end if
' 05/02/98
' Added the following features:
' Tab Query String Parameter
' - This is the selected tab's tabArray index value.
' Page Expiry Time
' - The page will expire when downloaded by browser so that user is insured that all data
' will be current.
Response.Expires = 0
On Error Resume Next
qs = request.querystring
if qs <> "" then
qs = "&" & qs
' Need to make this call for backward compatibility. Users may be referencing htmstart.asp in their web pages.
Call InitializeFrameArray
end if
dim tmpArray
dim index
dim brch
dim val
if request.querystring("TAB") <> "" then
tmpArray = session("tabArray")
index = Cint(request.querystring("TAB"))
if tmpArray(index + 1) <> "" then
brch = tmpArray(index + 1)
qs = "&" & "BRCH=" & brch
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