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asp 分页列表代码
时间:2022-07-02 23:19:49 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
Dim myListPager
Set myListPager = new ListPager
with myListPager
.Connection = conn
.Table = "Photos"
.PrimaryKey = "ID"
.Fields = "PhotoUrl,Title,Introduce"
Dim arrList : arrList = .GetRows()
for i=0 to Ubound(arrList,2)
.DrawPaging 8, "", null
end with
Set myListPager = nothing
Class ListPager
Private m_DbType, m_Connection, m_Table, m_PrimaryKey, m_Fields, m_CommandText
Private m_Cache, m_Expires, m_RecordCount, m_PageSize, m_PageCount, m_CurrentPage
Private m_Where, m_WhereAND, m_Orders(1,4), m_OrdUbound, m_QueryString
Private m_Order, m_OrderASC, m_OrderDESC, m_PreFields, m_PreRecordCount
Public Property Get Version
Version = "Fonshen ASP ListPager Class Version"
End Property
Public Property Let DbType(strDbType)
m_DbType = UCase(DbType)
End Property
Public Property Let Connection(objConnection)
Set m_Connection = objConnection
End Property
Public Property Let Table(strTable)
m_Table = strTable
End Property
Public Property Let PrimaryKey(strPrimaryKey)
m_PrimaryKey = Lcase(strPrimaryKey)
End Property
Public Property Let Fields(strFields)
m_Fields = strFields
End Property
Public Property Let Cache(intCache)
m_Cache = intCache
End Property
Public Property Let RecordCount(intRecordCount)
m_RecordCount = intRecordCount
End Property
Public Property Get RecordCount
RecordCount = m_RecordCount
End Property
Public Property Let PageSize(intPageSize)
m_PageSize = intPageSize
End Property
Public Property Get PageSize
PageSize = m_PageSize
End Property
Public Property Get PageCount
PageCount = m_PageCount
End Property
Public Property Get CurrentPage
CurrentPage = m_CurrentPage
End Property
Public Property Get QueryString
QueryString = m_QueryString
End Property
Public Property Get CommandText
CommandText = m_CommandText
End Property
Public Sub AddWhere(strWhere)
if m_Where = "" then
m_Where = "(" & strWhere & ")"
m_Where = m_Where & " AND (" & strWhere & ")"
end if
End Sub
Public Sub AddOrder(strField,strOrder)
m_OrdUbound = m_OrdUbound + 1
if m_OrdUbound>Ubound(m_Orders,2) then ReDim m_Orders(1,2*m_OrdUbound-1)
m_Orders(0,m_OrdUbound) = Lcase(Trim(strField))
m_Orders(1,m_OrdUbound) = Ucase(Trim(strOrder))
End Sub
Private Function ToLong(str,defautValue)
if IsNumeric(str) then
ToLong = Clng(str)
ToLong = defautValue
end if
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize
m_OrdUbound = -1
m_Cache = 0
m_RecordCount = -1
m_PageSize = 20
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate
End Sub
Private Sub Init_Where()
if m_Where = "" then
m_WhereAND = " WHERE "
m_Where = " WHERE " & m_Where
m_WhereAND = m_Where & " AND "
end if
End Sub
Private Sub Init_Order()
Dim isNotStrongOrder : isNotStrongOrder = True
m_PreFields = m_PrimaryKey
for i=0 to m_OrdUbound
if m_Orders(1,i) = "DESC" then
m_OrderASC = m_OrderASC & m_Orders(0,i) & " DESC"
m_OrderDESC= m_OrderDESC & m_Orders(0,i)& " ASC"
m_OrderASC = m_OrderASC & m_Orders(0,i) & " ASC"
m_OrderDESC= m_OrderDESC & m_Orders(0,i)& " DESC"
end if
m_Order = m_OrderASC
if m_Orders(0,i) = m_PrimaryKey then
isNotStrongOrder = False
Exit for
m_OrderASC = m_OrderASC & ","
m_OrderDESC= m_OrderDESC& ","
m_PreFields= m_PreFields& "," & m_Orders(0,i)
end if
if isNotStrongOrder then
m_OrderASC = m_OrderASC & m_PrimaryKey & " ASC"
m_OrderDESC= m_OrderDESC& m_PrimaryKey & " DESC"
end if
if m_Order <> "" then m_Order = " ORDER BY " & m_Order
m_OrderASC = " ORDER BY " & m_OrderASC
m_OrderDESC= " ORDER BY " & m_OrderDESC
End Sub
Private Sub Init_RecordCount()
Dim Item, QueryStringName : QueryStringName = "ListPager"
for each Item in Request.QueryString
if StrComp(Item, QueryStringName, 1)<>0 then
m_QueryString = m_QueryString & Item & "=" & Server.URLEncode(Request.QueryString(Item)) & "&"
end if
Dim queryArray : queryArray = Split(Request.QueryString(QueryStringName), ",")
Dim intNow : intNow = DateDiff("n", DateSerial(2000, 1, 1), Now)
m_Expires = intNow
m_CurrentPage = 1
select case Ubound(queryArray)
case 0
m_CurrentPage = ToLong(queryArray(0), 1)
case 2
m_CurrentPage = ToLong(queryArray(2), 1)
m_Expires = ToLong(queryArray(0), m_Expires)
end select
if m_RecordCount < 0 and m_Cache > 0 then
if m_Expires > intNow then
m_RecordCount = ToLong(queryArray(1), -1)
if m_RecordCount = -1 then m_Expires = intNow + m_Cache
m_Expires = intNow + m_Cache
end if
m_Expires = intNow
end if
if m_RecordCount = -1 then
m_RecordCount = m_Connection.Execute("SELECT COUNT(" & m_PrimaryKey & ") FROM " & m_Table & m_Where)(0)
end if
if m_Expires = intNow then
m_QueryString = m_QueryString & QueryStringName & "="
m_QueryString = m_QueryString & QueryStringName & "=" & m_Expires & "," & m_RecordCount & ","
end if
End Sub
Private Sub Init_CurrentPage()
Dim i : i = m_RecordCount mod m_PageSize
if i = 0 then
m_PageCount = m_RecordCount/m_PageSize
m_PageCount = (m_RecordCount - i)/m_PageSize + 1
end if
if m_CurrentPage<1 then m_CurrentPage = 1
if m_CurrentPage>m_PageCount then m_CurrentPage = m_PageCount
m_PreRecordCount = m_CurrentPage * m_PageSize
End Sub
Private Sub Init_DbType()
select case m_DbType
case else
select case (m_Connection.Provider)
case "MSDASQL.1","SQLOLEDB.1","SQLOLEDB" : m_DbType = "MSSQL"
case "MSDAORA.1","OraOLEDB.Oracle" : m_DbType = "ORACLE"
case "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" : m_DbType = "ACCESS"
end select
end select
End Sub
Public Sub Init()
Call Init_Where()
Call Init_Order()
Call Init_RecordCount()
Call Init_CurrentPage()
Call Init_DbType()
End Sub
Public Function GetRows()
select case m_DbType
case "MSSQL"
if m_CurrentPage = 1 then
GetRows = PosPageOneGetRows()
elseif m_CurrentPage = m_PageCount then
GetRows = NegTopPosTopGetRows()
elseif m_OrderASC = " ORDER BY " & m_PrimaryKey & " ASC" then
if m_CurrentPage * 2 > m_PageCount then
GetRows = NegPKCutGetRows("<", "MIN")
GetRows = PosPKCutGetRows(">", "MAX")
end if
elseif m_Order = " ORDER BY " & m_PrimaryKey & " DESC" then
if m_CurrentPage * 2 > m_PageCount then
GetRows = NegPKCutGetRows(">", "MAX")
GetRows = PosPKCutGetRows("<", "MIN")
end if
if m_CurrentPage * 2 > m_PageCount then
GetRows = NegTopPosTopGetRows()
GetRows = PosTopNegTopGetRows()
end if
end if
case "MYSQL"
GetRows = LimitGetRows()
case else
GetRows = AbsolutePositionGetRows()
end select
End Function
Private Function PosPageOneGetRows()
m_CommandText = "SELECT TOP " & m_PageSize & " "&m_Fields & " FROM " & m_Table & m_Where & m_OrderASC
PosPageOneGetRows = m_Connection.Execute(m_CommandText).GetRows()
End Function
Private Function NegPageOneGetRows()
m_CommandText = "SELECT " & m_Fields & " FROM (" &_
"SELECT TOP " & (m_RecordCount-(m_PageCount-1)*m_PageSize) &" "& m_Fields & " FROM " & m_Table & m_Where & m_OrderDESC&_
") AS derivedtbl_1" & m_OrderASC
NegPageOneGetRows = m_Connection.Execute(m_CommandText).GetRows()
End Function
Private Function PosPKCutGetRows(oper, func)
m_CommandText = "SELECT TOP " & m_PageSize & " "&m_Fields & " FROM " & m_Table & m_WhereAND &_
m_PrimaryKey & oper & "(SELECT " & func & "(" & m_PrimaryKey & ") FROM (" &_
"SELECT TOP " & (m_PreRecordCount - m_PageSize) & " " & m_PrimaryKey & " FROM " & m_Table & m_Where & m_OrderASC &_
") AS derivedtbl_1)" & m_OrderASC
PosPKCutGetRows = m_Connection.Execute(m_CommandText).GetRows()
End Function
Private Function NegPKCutGetRows(oper, func)
m_CommandText = "SELECT " & m_Fields & " FROM ("&_
"SELECT TOP " & m_PageSize & " "& m_Fields & " FROM " & m_Table & m_WhereAND &_
m_PrimaryKey & oper & "(SELECT " & func & "(" & m_PrimaryKey & ") FROM (" &_
"SELECT TOP " & (m_RecordCount - m_PreRecordCount) & " " & m_PrimaryKey & " FROM " & m_Table & m_Where & m_OrderDESC &_
") AS derivedtbl_1)" & m_OrderDESC &_
") AS derivedtbl_2" & m_OrderASC
NegPKCutGetRows = m_Connection.Execute(m_CommandText).GetRows()
End Function
Private Function PosTopNegTopGetRows()
m_CommandText = "SELECT " & m_Fields & " FROM " & m_Table & " WHERE " & m_PrimaryKey & " IN(" &_
"SELECT TOP " & m_PageSize & " " & m_PrimaryKey & " FROM (" &_
"SELECT TOP " & m_PreRecordCount & " " & m_PreFields & " FROM " & m_Table & m_Where & m_OrderASC &_
") A " & m_OrderDESC & ")" & m_OrderASC
PosTopNegTopGetRows = m_Connection.Execute(m_CommandText).GetRows()
End Function
Private Function NegTopPosTopGetRows()
m_CommandText = "SELECT " & m_Fields & " FROM " & m_Table & " WHERE " & m_PrimaryKey & " IN(" &_
"SELECT TOP " & m_PageSize & " " & m_PrimaryKey & " FROM (" &_
"SELECT TOP " &(m_RecordCount + m_PageSize - m_PreRecordCount) & " " & m_PreFields & " FROM " & m_Table & m_Where & m_OrderDESC &_
") A " & m_OrderASC & ")" & m_OrderASC
NegTopPosTopGetRows = m_Connection.Execute(m_CommandText).GetRows()
End Function
Private Function LimitGetRows()
m_CommandText = "SELECT " & m_Fields & " FROM " & m_Table & m_Where & m_OrderASC & " LIMIT " & (m_PreRecordCount -m_PageSize) & "," & m_PageSize
LimitGetRows = m_Connection.Execute(m_CommandText).GetRows()
End Function
Private Function AbsolutePositionGetRows()
Dim rs
Set rs = Server.CreateObject ("Adodb.RecordSet")
m_CommandText = "SELECT TOP " & m_PreRecordCount & " " & m_Fields & " FROM " & m_Table & m_Where & m_Order
rs.Open m_CommandText,m_Connection,1,1,&H0001
rs.AbsolutePosition = m_PreRecordCount - m_PageSize + 1
AbsolutePositionGetRows = rs.GetRows(m_PageSize)
Set rs = nothing
End Function
Private Function PosTopNotInGetRows()
m_CommandText = "SELECT " & m_Fields & " FROM " & m_Table & " WHERE " & m_PrimaryKey & " IN(" &_
"SELECT TOP " & m_PageSize & " " & m_PrimaryKey & " FROM " & m_Table & m_WhereAND & m_PrimaryKey & " NOT IN(" &_
"SELECT TOP " &(m_PreRecordCount - m_PageSize) & " " & m_PrimaryKey & " FROM " & m_Table & m_Where & m_OrderASC &_
")" & m_OrderASC & ")" & m_OrderASC
PosTopNotInGetRows = m_Connection.Execute(m_CommandText).GetRows()
End Function
Private Function NegTopNotInGetRows()
m_CommandText = "SELECT " & m_Fields & " FROM " & m_Table & " WHERE " & m_PrimaryKey & " IN(" &_
"SELECT TOP " & m_PageSize & " " & m_PrimaryKey & " FROM " & m_Table & m_WhereAND & m_PrimaryKey & " NOT IN(" &_
"SELECT TOP " &(m_RecordCount - m_PreRecordCount) & " " & m_PrimaryKey & " FROM " & m_Table & m_Where & m_OrderDESC &_
")" & m_OrderDESC & ")" & m_OrderASC
NegTopNotInGetRows = m_Connection.Execute(m_CommandText).GetRows()
End Function
Public Sub DrawPaging(intPages,strClass,arrText)
Dim chrSep : if strClass="" then chrSep = " "
if IsNull(arrText) then arrText = Array("Total:"," Page:"," ","go")
with Response
end with
End Sub
End Class
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