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验证码的程序及原理, 看需要的人很多,就贴出来,希望进精华备查
时间:2022-07-02 23:23:43 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
##### 版权所有 转载请保留 谢谢合作
##### 部分程序取自网络
##### 作者:扬子
##### Email: [email protected]
##### QQ: 21112856
##### WebSite: www.tingfo.net
一共4个页面:form.asp; chk.asp; num.asp; count.asp
利用session 判断
'### To encrypt/decrypt include this code in your page
'### strMyEncryptedString = EncryptString(strString)
'### strMyDecryptedString = DeCryptString(strMyEncryptedString)
'### You are free to use this code as long as credits remain in place
'### also if you improve this code let me know.
Private Function EncryptString(strString)
'### Crypt Function (C) 2001 by Slavic Kozyuk [email protected] ###
'### Arguments: strString <--- String you wish to encrypt ###
'### Output: Encrypted HEX string ###
Dim CharHexSet, intStringLen, strTemp, strRAW, i, intKey, intOffSet
Randomize Timer
##### 部分程序取自网络
##### 作者:扬子
##### Email: [email protected]
##### QQ: 21112856
##### WebSite: www.tingfo.net
一共4个页面:form.asp; chk.asp; num.asp; count.asp
利用session 判断
'### To encrypt/decrypt include this code in your page
'### strMyEncryptedString = EncryptString(strString)
'### strMyDecryptedString = DeCryptString(strMyEncryptedString)
'### You are free to use this code as long as credits remain in place
'### also if you improve this code let me know.
Private Function EncryptString(strString)
'### Crypt Function (C) 2001 by Slavic Kozyuk [email protected] ###
'### Arguments: strString <--- String you wish to encrypt ###
'### Output: Encrypted HEX string ###
Dim CharHexSet, intStringLen, strTemp, strRAW, i, intKey, intOffSet
Randomize Timer
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