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W3 Jmail 使用范例
时间:2022-06-30 11:55:51 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
Set JMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail")
' This is my local SMTP server
JMail.ServerAddress = "mail.yourdomain.com:25"
' This is me....
JMail.Sender = "[email protected]"
JMail.Subject = "Here you go..."
' Get the recipients mailbox from a form (note the lack of a equal sign).
JMail.AddRecipient "[email protected]"
JMail.AddRecipient "[email protected]"
' The body property is both read and write.
' If you want to append text to the body you can
' use JMail.Body = JMail.Body & "Hello world!"
' or you can use JMail.AppendText "Hello World!"
' which in many cases is easier to use.
JMail.Body = "Here you go. Your request has been approved" &_
"and the program is attached to this message"
' 1 - highest priority (Urgent)
' 3 - normal
' 5 - lowest
JMail.Priority = 1
JMail.AddHeader "Originating-IP", Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
' Must make sure that IUSR_ has access to the following files.
JMail.AppendBodyFromFile "e:mailstandard_footer.txt"
JMail.AddAttachment "e:productsMyProduct.exe"
' Send it...
An e-mail has been sent to your mailbox (<%=request.form("email")%>).
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