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时间:2022-06-30 11:19:48 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
'2004-6-11 => 二零零四年六月十一日
Function D(x)
if int(split(x,"-")(2)/10)=0 then D=D & F(split(x,"-")(2)) else _
if split(x,"-")(2) mod 10 =0 then D=D & F(int(split(x,"-")(2)/10)) & "十" else _
D=D & F(int(split(x,"-")(2)/10)) & "十" & F(split(x,"-")(2) mod 10)
D=F(split(x,"-")(0)) & "年" & MonthName(split(x,"-")(1),True) & replace(D,"一十","十") & "日"
end Function
Function F(x)
for i=1 to len(x)
if mid(x,i,1)="0" then F=F & "零" else F=F & left(MonthName(mid(x,i,1),True),1)
end Function
msgbox D(Date)
Function D(x)
if int(split(x,"-")(2)/10)=0 then D=D & F(split(x,"-")(2)) else _
if split(x,"-")(2) mod 10 =0 then D=D & F(int(split(x,"-")(2)/10)) & "十" else _
D=D & F(int(split(x,"-")(2)/10)) & "十" & F(split(x,"-")(2) mod 10)
D=F(split(x,"-")(0)) & "年" & MonthName(split(x,"-")(1),True) & replace(D,"一十","十") & "日"
end Function
Function F(x)
for i=1 to len(x)
if mid(x,i,1)="0" then F=F & "零" else F=F & left(MonthName(mid(x,i,1),True),1)
end Function
msgbox D(Date)
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