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asp aspjpeg图片增加图片水印代码
时间:2022-06-30 11:07:11 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
' intdirection:图片位置:
' 如果传进来的是数组 array(left,top):
' left 表示水印图片相对源图的左上角x方向距离
' top 表示水印图片相对源图的左上角y方向距离
' 如果是单一数字:
' 1:左上 2:上中 3:右上 4:左中 5:中中 6:右中 7:左下 8:中下 9:右下
' strfilename:用做水印图片的文件名
public sub drawimage(intdirection,strfilename)
dim objjpeg2
dim intwidth
dim intheight
dim intleft
dim inttop
message = ""
if fileisopen then
if objfso.fileexists(server.mappath(strfilename)) then
on error resume next
set objjpeg2 = server.createobject("persits.jpeg")
with objjpeg2
.open server.mappath(strfilename)
if err then
message = err.description
end if
if intjpegor intjpegthen
intwidth = .originalwidth
intheight = .originalheight
intwidth = intjpegwidth
intheight = intjpegheight
end if
if intwidth
select case intdirection
case 1
intleft = 0
inttop = 0
case 2
intleft = (width-intwidth)/2
inttop = 0
case 3
intleft = width-intwidth
inttop = 0
case 4
intleft = 0
inttop = (height-intheight)/2
case 5
intleft = (width-intwidth)/2
inttop = (height-intheight)/2
case 6
intleft = width-intwidth
inttop = (height-intheight)/2
case 7
intleft = 0
inttop = height-intheight
case 8
intleft = (width-intwidth)/2
inttop = height-intheight
case else
intleft = width-intwidth
inttop = height-intheight
end select
intleft = intdirection(0)
inttop = intdirection(1)
end if
on error resume next
objjpeg.drawimage intleft,inttop,objjpeg2,floatjpegopacity,intjpegcolor
if err then
message = "打图片水印出错!"
end if
message = "水印图片像素过大!"
end if
end with
message = "水印图片不存在!"
end if
message = "文件没有打开!"
end if
end sub
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