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添加服务器操作员, from zdtips, in english
时间:2022-06-30 11:00:42 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网
Adding Server Operators
Occasionally, you might want to add server operators for the FTP- or
WWW-server with ADSI. The VBScript below (which can also be translated to
ASP) shows an sample way of accomplishing this task.
' AddAdmin.vbs - Add an administrator to FTP, W3, NNTP or SMTP Service
' Usage: addadmin
' Without changes the script must run on the local webserver.
' User in the form
Option Explicit
Dim iis
Dim acl
Dim sd
Dim ace
Dim acc
Dim arg
Dim net
Set arg = Wscript.Arguments
If arg.count < 1 Then
Wscript.Echo "Usage: addadmin
End If
Set net = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Select Case Ucase(arg(0))
Case "FTP" Set iis = GetObject("IIS://" & net.computerName
& "/MSFTPSVC/1")
Case "W3" Set iis = GetObject("IIS://" & net.computerName
& "/W3SVC/1")
Case "NNTP" Set iis = GetObject("IIS://" & net.computerName
& "/NNTPSVC/1")
Case "SMTP" Set iis = GetObject("IIS://" & net.computerName
& "/SmtpSvc/1")
Case Else
Wscript.Echo "Usage: addadmin
End Select
Set sd = iis.AdminACL
Set acl = sd.DiscretionaryAcl
If arg.Count = 2 Then
Set ace = CreateObject("AccessControlEntry")
ace.Trustee = arg(1)
ace.AccessMask = &HB
I did not find the real permissions (ACTRL_??? bits) description for
AccessMask, but I've copied it from a manual added entry. You can see the
bits running this script without specifying an user
acl.AddAce ace
iis.AdminAcl = sd
For Each ace In acl
Wscript.Echo ace.Trustee & " (0x" &
Hex(ace.AccessMask) & ")"
End If
Occasionally, you might want to add server operators for the FTP- or
WWW-server with ADSI. The VBScript below (which can also be translated to
ASP) shows an sample way of accomplishing this task.
' AddAdmin.vbs - Add an administrator to FTP, W3, NNTP or SMTP Service
' Usage: addadmin
' Without changes the script must run on the local webserver.
' User in the form
Option Explicit
Dim iis
Dim acl
Dim sd
Dim ace
Dim acc
Dim arg
Dim net
Set arg = Wscript.Arguments
If arg.count < 1 Then
Wscript.Echo "Usage: addadmin
End If
Set net = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Select Case Ucase(arg(0))
Case "FTP" Set iis = GetObject("IIS://" & net.computerName
& "/MSFTPSVC/1")
Case "W3" Set iis = GetObject("IIS://" & net.computerName
& "/W3SVC/1")
Case "NNTP" Set iis = GetObject("IIS://" & net.computerName
& "/NNTPSVC/1")
Case "SMTP" Set iis = GetObject("IIS://" & net.computerName
& "/SmtpSvc/1")
Case Else
Wscript.Echo "Usage: addadmin
End Select
Set sd = iis.AdminACL
Set acl = sd.DiscretionaryAcl
If arg.Count = 2 Then
Set ace = CreateObject("AccessControlEntry")
ace.Trustee = arg(1)
ace.AccessMask = &HB
I did not find the real permissions (ACTRL_??? bits) description for
AccessMask, but I've copied it from a manual added entry. You can see the
bits running this script without specifying an user
acl.AddAce ace
iis.AdminAcl = sd
For Each ace In acl
Wscript.Echo ace.Trustee & " (0x" &
Hex(ace.AccessMask) & ")"
End If
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